Jupiter Neck and Back – Dr. James McErlain, D.C.

jupiterneckandbackJupiter Healthcare is a prestigious and highly sought after chiropractic clinic based out of the warm and tropical town of Jupiter, Florida. Dr. James McErlain D.C and his staff are committed to providing their clients with a welcoming and professional setting where the primary focus is wellness. They specialize in chiropractic medicine, massage therapy, spinal decompression, physical therapy, cold laser therapy, and so much more that is sure to exceed any and all of your expectations. They are dedicated to utilizing the most premier and state of the art products, equipment, and techniques to ensure that you the client receive the best care possible. When nothing else has worked put your care in the hands of Dr. James McErlain D.C and he will fulfill all your desires.


Jupiter Neck and Back – Dr. James McErlain, D.C.

125 West Indiantown Road Suite 105 Jupiter, Florida 33458

(561) 741-7575


Hours of Operation:
Mon Wed Fri (9am to1pm and 3pm to 6pm)
Tue Thu (9am to 1pm)




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