Winner’s Circle Charities is a Jupiter Florida non-profit charity organization that is focused on raising money for causes such as Cystic Fibrosis. They team up with local businesses like HMY Yachts, the Cleveland Clinic and The Marine Industry Education Foundation (MIEF) and host wonderful Galas, Dinners and Charitable Events. Along with several of the corporate sponsors they also team up with Major League Baseball legend and Hall of Fame 3rd Baseman, Mike Schmidt and host an annual fishing tournament in the Bahamas. The tournament is held each year and includes two days of exciting fishing in
exotic, tropical Bahamas. It also includes daily prizes for largest tuna, dolphin and wahoo. And an end of the tournament there is an award banquet and dinner which is hosted by Mike Schmidt. Over the past few years this wonderful organization has raised over one and a half million dollars to fight the disease of Cystic Fibrosis.
Learn more about this fantastic cause or join them in their fight visit their them at
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