Nature’s Way Café – Jupiter, FL

nwayThe Nature’s Way Café is a premier and highly sought after health food restaurant located in the warm and tropical town of Jupiter Florida. At Nature’s Café you will find a very friendly and knowledgeably staff with a passion for healthier living. Try their delicious food just once and you may never eat anything else ever again. Their outstanding menu is full of delicious and healthy items that include mouthwatering wraps and sandwiches, fresh salads, savory soups, a variety of wonderful performance shakes and smoothies, and so much more that will exceed any and all of your expectations. Nature’s Café also boasts a full breakfast menu that will fulfill all your early morning desires. The motto at Nature’s Café is “eat well, be well!” and when you eat here you will understand what they mean.

Nature’s Way Café:
103 So. U.S. Highway One Jupiter, Florida 33477
Phone: (561) 743-0401


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The Fun Depot

Fun Depot is a premier and perfectly designed South Florida family entertainment center that is sure to exceed any and all of your expectations. They feature a very welcoming and friendly team that is committed to ensuring all of their guests have a truly one of a kind entertainment experience. They feature a state of the art fully stocked arcade arena, an outstanding go cart course, a wonderful batting cage area, a LAN gaming center, an extensive playground area, and a fantastic café that is sure to satisfy all of your needs and wants. Over the years the Fun Depot has transformed into one of South Florida’s most sought after destinations for entertainment, fun, and play. They also specialize in parties and fundraisers so contact them for your next special event and you will be completely satisfied with everything that they have to offer.

Fun Depot:

Address: 2003 10th Avenue North Lake Worth, Florida 33461

Phone: (561) 547-0817


Paddy Mac’s – Irish Restaurant And Pub

Paddy Mac’s is a highly sought after and truly outstanding Irish style South Florida restaurant and pub that features a one of a kind dining experience sure to satisfy all of your needs and wants. They feature a very friendly and professional staff that from the executive and head chefs right down to the waiters and waitresses that is committed to going the extra mile to ensure that your dining experience exceeds any and all of your expectations. The menu at Pady Mac’s is full of wonderful traditional and new age Irish cuisine that is sure to fulfill all of your desires. They also feature a fully stocked bar that is sure to have something for everyone. You will be completely satisfied when you choose to dine at Paddy Mac’s and it is sure to be a great experience for the entire family.

Paddy Mac’s:

Address: 10971 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410

Phone: (561) 691-4366



Captain Charlie’s Reef Grill

Captain Charlie’s Reef Grill is a premier and highly sought after South Florida restaurant that specializes in fresh seafood and local favorites that are sure to exceed any and all of your expectations. Every night there are between 10 and 14 types of freshly caught fish that you can have grilled, blackened, sautéed, broiled, or even fried. They also feature a menu full of wonderful seafood options and outstanding sides, soups,  and salads that will satisfy all of your needs and wants. They feature a very friendly and professional staff that is committed to providing all of their patrons with a one of a kind dining experience that keeps people coming back time and time again. Captain Charlie’s uses only the freshest and highest quality ingredients to ensure that they offer only the most premium product possible.

Captain Charlie’s Reef Grill:

Address: 12846 U.S 1 Juno Beach, Florida 33408

Phone: (561) 624-9924
